How it works?

Data collecting

Sensorly™ products are equiped with specific sensors for measuring e.g. temperature, humidity, CO2 or even motion which collects these data from its surroundings. Sensors are designed to be energy-efficient, consuming as little power as possible, making them last even years. When it's time to transmit, sensor wakes up collects data, transmit everything and goes back to sleep again.

Data transfer

The first step in the entire process is the initial measurement of all data, e.g.: air temperature, water temperature, soil temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, atmospheric pressure, etc. Individual sensors read the following data after certain time intervals.

Data receive

The first step in the entire process is the initial measurement of all data, e.g.: air temperature, water temperature, soil temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, atmospheric pressure, etc. Individual sensors read the following data after certain time intervals.